Friday, October 7, 2011

Sadie's First Arts Festival

We love the Arts Fest, so we try to go as much as we can. We first started it out on Friday night . Sadie loves people, so we knew she would love the arts fest. We packed her up and met Uncle Matty and Diddy there. She was having a blast. Matty helped push her in her stroller most of the time. That was a nice help for Daddy and I. She even fell asleep at the end of the night. She wore herself out. It was a good first experience at the arts fest!

The second time we went was on sunday. This time we met up with Uncle Ben, Aunt Sally, Zoe, Jer and Aunt Meggy!!!! It was so fun hanging with everyone. We took the kids over to the kid area, Zoe and Jer got to do all sorts of fun things. I can't wait til Sadie can do all that stuff. This year she just sat back and watched all the kids play. The kids got to play band instruments, plant some melons, make some masks, and play by this huge dragon made of art. When it was time to go, Sadie had so much fun she was asleep by the time she hit her car seat. That girl loves the arts fest. She fits right in!

Zoe's Dance Recital

Zoe's dance recital was Alice in Wonderland this year. The recital is pretty low key so we felt it was ok if we brought Sadie. Zoe had two dances in the program. I couldn't get any good pictures of her dancing cause we were in the back. But take my word for it Zoe did awesome! She was so cute. I can't believe how good she is. She pulls the cutest faces while dancing. I can't help but cry whenever I watch her preform. I'm so proud of her. And she is the cutest girl up there. Hands Down! In between her dances she came out in the hall and played around. Sadie loved watching her run all around. She was even practicing her dance and I caught this beautiful moment of her doing her ballet. Jeremy was pretty bored during the whole thing so he hung outside with his uncle Kee. Sadie loved watching all the dances and was talking (more yelling) during the performances. Sally even said after, "Was that Sadie I heard from back stage?" YEP! haha.
Way to go Zoe!!!

Kris' First Father's Day

It was such a nice day. I got up and made him breakfast. I had Sadie give him his gift. SO cute. I previously bought my Mom and I Mamma Mia tickets for mother's day for her... not realizing that it was on father's day. I felt so bad. But Kris didn't seem to mind. He got to spend his whole day with his little girl. They went to his grandma and grandpa's house and met up with the whole fam. We met up later at my Mom and Dad's house, where we had dinner. I got to hang out with my Daddy and Sadie was with her's, so life was good.

Zoe and Sadie. Cutest girls EVER

I went to old navy one day and I found matching outfits for Sadie and Zoe, so of course I had to buy them! I'm so glad I did! Look how adorable!!!! I have said it before but have to say it again. CUTEST GIRLS EVER!!!

Summer Walks

Pretty much every night in summer we took Sadie for a walk. She LOOOOOOVES walks. She loves looking at all the new things. She points and talks to all the trees. We even see a few dogs which she loves, Me not so much! She gets so relaxed that she always falls asleep! I finally had the idea to bring along a camera with us. And got some adorable pics! Enjoy!

Cute Pics

Here is just a few cute pics that I had to share! Never a dull moment in our lives. haha. Enjoy.

This is Sadie doing her "model pose"

We love playing outside!

Playing in her crib

Sadie LOOOVES cats! LOVES them. Sammy is a good sport with her. Also a great picture of her crawling!

This is one of the dresses Matty and Tay brought her from Hawaii. She looks so fancy in it!

Sadie loves Popsicles, it was such a great help for those hard teething moments! She loves to share them too. She is such a doll. I love her!